At Blackheath Prep, we aim to enable all pupils to achieve their full potential by offering a variety of sports within a diverse Physical Education and Games curriculum and across a broad fixtures programme against other schools.

We are very fortunate to have fantastic facilities on site, including tennis and netball courts, cricket nets and a large field which can accommodate a range of sports including cricket, football, tag rugby, softball, lacrosse and field hockey.

Through competitive and co-operative games, we build our children’s confidence. We encourage them to be ambitious, with participation in external sporting events allowing them to feel part of our greater sporting community. We also offer extension opportunities to our talented pupils.

Most importantly, though, we aim to inspire a joyful and lifelong love of sport and learning. Our inter-house programme of events ensures that all children have the opportunity to shine. All are encouraged to be inclusive, courteous and kind, and to show respect for their fellow competitors.

The programme of study is broadly based on the National Curriculum and includes athletic activities, dance, games, gymnastics and swimming. Children are taught by specialist PE teachers throughout Blackheath Prep and we delight in seeing them progress as they move through the school.