Learning Support at Blackheath Prep is embedded throughout the school, in both the teaching culture and the curriculum.

Our well-resourced Learning Support Department is located at the heart of the school and is committed to fostering a motivational and inspirational atmosphere that supports the educational and pastoral needs of each child.  

Our SENDCo and Inclusion Manager, assisted by an Early Years Learning Support Coordinator, works closely with the Assistant Heads (Academic and Pastoral), and the teaching team to ensure all pupils are treated as individuals, providing a rich, broad and varied education that develops the diverse talents of all pupils.  This includes pupils with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), EAL (English as an Additional Language), and exceptionally able students.  

We utilise teaching assistants across the school to support children in and out of the classroom, both in small groups and individually. Targeted workshops led by experienced specialist staff are also available.

We understand that able, intelligent children may experience learning challenges for all sorts of reasons. We are fortunate to be able to offer a variety of provision for children who need it.

A positive and collaborative partnership with parents is actively encouraged at Blackheath Prep. You are warmly invited to come and see us and find out more about what we offer.