Blackheath Prep’s alumni association is a great way for former pupils, parents and staff to keep in touch with their former school and reconnect with old friends. Find out more.

We had a wonderful start to the festive season at the PTFA Christmas Fair on Saturday. A fabulous Grotto, live music, games, cake competition, stalls, face painting and much more made for a lovely day for our school community. Special thanks to all the parents, pupils, staff and elves who worked so hard to put on such a great event! 👏👏👏
Pupils were excited to welcome their parents, grandparents and carers into their classrooms today for our regular Windows Into Learning event, an opportunity for pupils to show their parents the rich variety of classwork and projects they have been working hard on this term.
There`s just one week left to apply for a 7+ place at Blackheath Prep, an exciting opportunity for your child to join our outstanding school in 2025.
Our pupils benefit from a rich and broad curriculum, exciting extra-curricular offer and superb pastoral care. We provide excellent preparation for the 11+ and senior school transfers, and over 50% of our Year 6 leavers secure scholarship offers from the leading schools in London and Kent.
Closing date for applications is Thursday 5 December, 12 noon. Find out more about applying for a place in our Prep via the link in our bio.
#Kindness #Curiosity #Freedom #Ambition #Courage #Community #Joy
#Blackheath #Greenwich #Eltham #HitherGreen #Kidbrooke #SE3 #SE10 #SE12 #Prepschool
We enjoyed a wonderful evening of music from our talented Year 6 musicans who performed at the annual St Cecilia concert for the first time alongside other talented young musicians from @elthamcollegejuniors.
Well done to all the soloists who performed so well on the night 👏
Our Reception pupils have been enjoying classroom learning based on The Gruffalo and there was much excitement last week as mysterious footprints appeared around school and an unexplained sighting on the school`s CCTV of a creature with knobbly knees and turned out toes. Reception pupils concluded that this could only mean one thing - we had been lucky enough to have a special visit from the Gruffalo himself! Our intrepid pupils bravely took a stroll through the deep dark wood to search for him, following the huge footprints they had discovered and were delighted to find they led them all the way to our special visitor`s shelter. Although it was all quiet in the deep dark wood when they arrived, we all now know that there is definitely such a thing as a Gruffalo...
Fantastic performances from our Cross-Country team last week! Our Year 6 boys and girls teams took home Gold, and the Year 5 girls secured Silver. Well done to all our runners who demonstrated great ambition and courage out on the course 👏👏👏
And a big thank you to our friends at Merton Court Prep for hosting another excellent afternoon of racing.
Our school community gathered today for a special Remembrance service, led by our Head and music, readings and artworks by our pupils. We reflected on the sacrifice made by so many, and how our school values resonate with the values that so many before us have fought to preserve. We will remember them.
#Freedom #Courage #Community #Kindness
We`re very proud of our first ever pupil Charity Ambassadors who were officially welcomed into their new roles in assembly today. Over the coming months, the ambassadors will donate their time, energy and ideas to help support the school`s charitable endeavours in our local community. One of their first tasks will be to organise the huge number of generous donations from our Blackheath Prep families which will be heading off next week to two of our chosen charities @999clubdeptford and @greenwichwildlifenetwork
Thank you to our school community for your generous support 👏👏👏
To mark World Space Week, Year 5 have been putting their engineering and modelling skills to the test in a practical challenge to design an astronaut lander as part of their STEM learning and this term`s Space exploration project. Well done Year 5, great teamwork!
As part of their geography and history learning, Year 1 took a walk around our local neighbourhood today, discovering interesting facts about the urban and natural landscape in Blackheath, and recording local landmarks and points of interest spotted along the way.
Our Year 3-6 pupils took part in a very exciting Guinness World Record attempt on National Poetry Day, in a live mass participation event along with 273,000 other children worldwide! Led by children`s author and poet Laura Mucha, they collaboratively helped to write a poem and celebrated the joy of the written word. What a fantastic event! Well done to everyone who took part.
We`ve seen some great teamwork this week from our young gardeners who have been busy in our kitchen garden planting winter vegetables. Today the purple sprouting broccoli and cabbages went into the new raised beds, and seeds were sown in pots to get ready for planting out in a few weeks time. We`re looking forward to seeing the fruit of their labours over the coming months!
The extra-curricular programme at Blackheath Prep is an important part of our offer and each week we run over 50 after-school clubs, enabling pupils to try a wide range of exciting activities and discover new passions, from Gardening, Junior Journalists and Mindfulness to Mandarin, Lego Robotics and Textiles clubs to name just a few. Amongst the many sports clubs we also run, Tennis is proving a popular choice for our Reception and Year 1 pupils this term!
We place great importance on outdoor learning at Blackheath Prep, and our Forest Schools, Kitchen Garden, outdoor classrooms and playing field provide wonderful environments for our pupils to learn about the natural world, discover wildlife, grow their own fruit and vegetables, and get hands and feet muddy! Over the past week there`s been much excitement for our new Nursery pupils as they enjoyed their first trips to the Garden of Imagination with our specialist Forest School leaders - the first of many mini-adventures to come!
Come along to our next Open Day on SATURDAY 21 SEPTEMBER 2024 and find out more about the outstanding education and superb facilities we offer at Blackheath Prep. Our Open Days are a great opportunity to meet the Head, PTFA and pupils, and talk to our Admissions team about how to apply for places in our Nursery (3+) and our Prep at 7+. Book your place via the link in our bio. We look forward to welcoming you!
#Blackheath #Blackheathlondon #blackheathmums #blackheathvillage #SE3 #Greenwich #greenwichlondon #SE10 #Charlton #Hithergreen #Eltham #elthammums #independentschool #SELondon
There`s just a few days left to apply for a Nursery place for our January 2025 intake (for children whose third birthday falls between 1 Sept - 31 Dec). Our Nursery is the usual point of entry to Blackheath Prep and provides a superb introduction to the outstanding education we offer through to Year 6. Deadline for applications is Friday 13 September, 12 noon. Apply online via the link in our bio.
Applications are also open for the September 2025 intake. Deadline: Friday 1 November 2024.
Be part of the Blackheath Prep community! #BeBlackheathPrep
It was an exciting first day at school for our very youngest pupils today as they began their settling in sessions in our Nursery, the first of many adventures, enriching experiences and firm friendships that lay ahead for them over the next 8 years.
A warm welcome to all our new Nursery pupils and families - this is where the Blackheath Prep adventure begins!
It`s wonderful to have pupils back in school today and hear the buzz of excitment as they greeted their new teachers and old friends after the summer break. It`s going to be another exciting and enriching year ahead for them all. An especially warm welcome to our new Nursery pupils, and all our new starters and teaching staff joining our school this term - welcome to the Blackheath Prep community!
It`s been a busy few weeks of celebrations for our wonderful Year 6 leavers, most of whom have been with us since joining our Nursery aged 3. Over the years we`ve watched them grow into the hugely talented and kind young people they are, becoming inquisitive learners, discovering their passions, forming firm friendships and making valuable contributions to our school community.
We have been immensely proud of all their achievements over the years, and their superb senior school results - 54 scholarship offers and places accepted at Alleyn`s, Brighton College, Colfe`s School, Dulwich College, Eltham College, JAGS, and Bexley, Chislehurst & Sidcup, Dartford Boys and Townley Grammar schools 👏
We`re very sad to see them go but they will forever be part of the Blackheath Prep community! We wish them a fond farewell ❤
#Kindness #Curiosity #Freedom #Ambition #Courage #Community #Joy #BeBlackheathPrep
Year 3 took their creative talents out of the Art Studio for a collaborative art project, focussing on pattern, colour and team work skills to create these wonderful chalk artworks inspired by traditional Rangoli designs where intricate patterns are created using natural pigments to mark Hindu festivals and celebrations.
I like to move it move it, you like to move it...
Year 6 took us on a fantastic musical adventure and transported us to the island of Madagascar along with Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman and friends in a fantastic end of year production. Great performances with plenty of singing, dancing and humour to keep audiences entertained - well done Year 6! 👏👏👏
#Freedom #Joy
Our U11 Girls team travelled to St George`s Park this week to represent Blackheath Prep at the @isfafootball National Finals. They played with great determination and we saw some excellent play on the pitch. Although they didn`t take the trophy this year we`re very proud of their achievements. Well done girls!
#stgeorgesparkfootballcentre #girlsfootball #sportinschools
At our annual Sports Days, we`ve been very proud of all our pupils who have demonstrated so many of our school values of courage, ambition, community, kindness, freedom and joy out on the field as they competed in both personal challenges and on behalf of their Houses. Well done to all our young athletes!
Year 4 had a great time on their residential trip to @hindleap.warren in Sussex this week, taking part in daring activities, from forest adventures and archery, to the dizzy heights of the high ropes course and climbing wall. We saw plenty of courage, ambition and great teamwork throughout their trip, well done Year 4!
#Courage #Ambition #Freedom
November 2, 2023
Blackheath Prep’s alumni association is a great way for former pupils, parents and staff to keep in touch with their former school and reconnect with old friends. Find out more.